Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spot the difference, Richard Rogers

It turns out Richard Rogers may have been too quick to criticise Bovis' slow progress on demolition of the building obstructing he construction of the Leadenhall Building.
Leadenall September 2007
September 2007
Leadenhall building
January 2008

Changes to note (which may need a click and a zoom in to see):
  1. The platform has risen 2-3 stories. Quite slow progress for 4-5 months' work, but they've also put up a lot of canvas and scaffolding up there.
  2. The hoarding has been replaced by some shiny new stuff
  3. The building has evidently been filled with helium or hot air as, in January 2008, it has had to be tethered to the ground
  4. The crane has rotated. Proof of intelligent life, or just the wind? Who can tell.
For more up to the minute information read the September (with an illustrative diagram) and December newsletters. Interesting elements of the December news are the imminent (possibly old news by now) construction of a bridge to give better site access, and if you want to see the pile driving for the foundations in action, you will have to pop by at night.

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