Monday, May 21, 2007

Keywords of the week

Nicely lit GherkinI have a few favourites this week. I also took the afternoon off work due to a banging headache and am now so bored that I will write about anything.

funny looking cone shaped glass building in london
Damn! I thought I covered all the angles. If this was you, you're probably looking for information about The Gherkin.
gareth gates spotted in london pub
Someone wanted to find information about this. Fair enough, ogle the photos if you come across them in the Sun/Heat... but can there be any justification at all for searching the web for more??? Is that you, Jordan?
rubik's tower
It begins!
wrexham in the 1800's
A sad one to finish. Wrexham was quite a dashing town back in the day, and as recently as 2002 it was highly commended in a best high street in Britain contest, partly due to the well-preserved period architecture (it matters not that the street called High Street no longer really functions as the high street since the town centre has moved West towards Hope Street).

It's sad because although there are lots of books full of period photos, my coming near the top in a google search would indicate that very little of this archive material is online.

If only they'd had blogs back then!

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