Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Something about this makes me laugh

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Something about the design irks me.

He is, of course, talking about the Bishopsgate Tower on this forum, where New Yorkers belittle London's attempts at building skyscrapers. There's a furious spat raging:

'Your absurd arguments about London's "skyscrapers" are as entertaining as your delusion that London is as historic (if not more so) than Rome. I can't wait for the next absurd dream that you try to propagate. Is the argument that the earth really is flat next on your agenda?'
That statement prompted a multi-page response, opening with the following words:
I am not here as you assume because I envy New York, but because you can't understand other cities unless you get to know their 'communities'. I am - as you were probably unaware - actually signed up to a few other city-forums that aren't connected to London or New York. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. ;-)'
Or, just to be safe, keep them both on the internet.

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